Invited talks
Luovat, toiminnalliset ja osallistuvat tutkimusmenetelmät yhteiskuntatieteissä, 12/10/2023, University of Eastern Finland
Digitaaliset menetelmät ja verkkoetnografia
Minttu Tikka
HSSH Brown Bag Seminar, 4/4/2023, University of Helsinki
Mixed Methods, Mixed Results? What Does it Take to Combine Qualitative and Computational Approaches?
Minttu Tikka, Kaisla Kajava, Henna Paakki
Organization & Management Seminar, 27/1/2023, Aalto University
Alternation and Adaptation: Reflecting Key Questions around Conducting Mixed-Methods Research
Minttu Tikka, Kaisla Kajava, Henna Paakki
DH Pizza Lunch Seminar, 28/10/2022, Digital Humanities: University of Helsinki & Aalto University
From conversation analysis to computational interaction analysis: Studying trolling behavior in online conversations by focusing on (a)symmetry in interaction
Henna Paakki
ARS22 – Gathering: Living Encounters
ARS22 – Gathering invites us to come together to discuss and develop critical thinking about the modern world. Guided by anthropological, artistic, sociological and philosophical positions, the event is organized around four main themes: gender and identity, decolonial narratives and positions, technology and the digital turn and ecology and more-than-human agencies.The speakers of the seminar include: Christina Sharpe, Mel Y Chen, Achille Mbembe, Slavs and Tatars, Petra Laiti, Pirjo Kristiina Virtanen, Nitin Sawhney, Agnieszka Kurant and Elizabeth A. Povinelli.The Gathering brings together contemporary art institutions and organizations from the Helsinki region highlighting our common goal to deepen the understanding of contemporary art’s social agency.